Lots of changes happening in Laser! We got a lot done last weekend… many thanks to @pinewoodnut, @heyheymama, @gbeauw, @lukeiamyourfather, and @Brandon_Green for all the hard work, and big thanks to @Shawn_Christian for helping us move things with his truck!
Summary of what went on: lasersaur and table offsited, new desk for the current Thunder, new computers installed, new tool cabinet assembled, new shop vac available, and lots of brainstorming on the new floorplan. Due to an oversight by me, we had to figure up a new plan from what we had in mind initially. Thank you guys for bearing with me as I’m sure I was a bit grumpy with everyone. Please know that wasn’t yall, that was me frustrated with myself for making a bad plan! Anyone interested, there’s a cardboard model on the back wall that shows where everything will go.
The Zing was moved to where its new home will be. We had to take it out of service because its blower was disconnected and the air lines need to be relocated.
I posted in another thread that the new lasers will hopefully be here next week, so we can continue prepping this weekend.
THIS WEEKEND… we’ll be focusing on laying new ducting, electrical, and air lines so they’ll be in place and ready for the new lasers. Hope to get the Zing back online too. Anyone who is available and wants to help come join us! We’ll get started around noon on Saturday. We’re also working on a new home for the work table since it won’t fit with the new lasers. More to come on that once the details are worked out.
Thank you to everyone for working with us through the growing pains right now. I hope the end result will make it all worth it!