Large Format Printer Available?

Pardon if it’s a dumb question. I have been sucked into our fostering home study and wrastling some medical demons so I haven’t been able to make it to the space for a while. Do we have a working color large format printer on deck yet?

Also, if there’s any class needs please let me know! I’ll try to get to committee soon :slight_smile:

Short answer, no.
They’re selling (sold?) the ones with issues and there’s something on table to buy fancy-schmancy less problematic and more features one. Not sure of status. The big expansion stuff came up right after all that, so…

@mreynolds might could speak with more detail

On a different note, I hear ya on the fostering home study stuff. Been there. Oy. Hang in there :slight_smile: Good luck with things.

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I might have access to a 44" Canon printer within a couple weeks.

PM me with what you are wanting.