Lampworking classes

Hello! I just moved to Dallas permanently and I’m hoping to start a new hobby. I’ve taken a few classes on lampworking and am hooked!

Do you offer classes or studio time at the makerspace?

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DMS is all about studio time. You are responsible for most of your supplies.

We’ve got folks that can teach some basics, but they generally prefer to teach one on one, as we don’t have the extra torches.
@PearceDunlap @mrjimmy

OK, great. Do have a contact for anyone that I can learn some basics from?

The people I’ve tagged with the @. That means that I tagged them in this conversation, and they’ll reply … at their convenience, some time after they next log into Talk.

Got it. Thanks again for your help!!

also @Sean_Ellwood. I’m currently unavailable for classes right now

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