Labeling your pottery & discarding items

At the December meeting, the ceramics department members voted to make changes to how the department functions. Some of the duties were divided among members, so as not to overburden the person who becomes chair.

My current role is reviewing the shelves for items that are not labeled, that are over the time limits, etc.

I am finding a lot of items that do not have names and/or dates on the IN-PROGRESS shelves. Just a reminder that this needs to be done for any item you put on a ware board. It is better to put this info on the board instead of the plastic. If you use plastic, please remove previous names. I found one a few days ago with 4 names! Sometimes, just the name is written, maybe thinking that will buy extra time, but it doesn’t. If I see the item is bone dry, I’m not going to add 30 days to the day I saw the item vs. if it was wet clay, which WOULD get 30 days. The little paper slips are just a reminder that you left something off your label.

Remember, this is a community space. With all the new members, we need to be mindful when sharing the space with others. The In-Progress shelves are only for clay that has not been fired in the kiln, so greenware. It is not for storage of anything except drying, virgin clay.

It saddens me to throw out the pieces that I see on the shelves because someone has worked hard on them and put effort into them. I know things come up, which is why we give 30 days. If you are afraid you may not get back in before 30 days, you can always bring a stiff cardboard box to take your piece home to dry. Hopefully, this reminder will mean there will be less items I have to discard.

Thank you.