Knife sharpening tutorial?

Hey y’all! Does anyone have any experience sharpening knives (either on a whetstone, or by other means), and would be willing to teach a novice like me?


Depending on when you’re available we have a 2x72 inch belt grinder made for mostly knife makers and tool making. I’m free mostly on weekends and I will usually teach a basic class that includes that machine.


I use waterstones and diamond stones, we have a nice set of diamond stones by woodworking double doors. I like diamond stones better but tend to still use waterstones for a quick knife sharpening at our kitchen sink.

It helps to have a 5-10X loupe so you can see the edge. I have a hard steel burnishing rod I use to straighten the edge before sharpening.

Its sharp enough for my uses if it snags your fingernail when you scrape your fingernail with light pressure. (90 degrees to direction to cut your fingertip off) I’ve seen people test sharpeness with a cutting motion and man that scares me. Slicing paper is another good test, or shaving hair off your arm.

I could give you a quick demo monday night, I’ll be in the metalshop from 6-9, maybe later

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Thanks for the input Randy. I should be able to swing by Monday night, and would appreciate any tips you can share.