I need one of our talented makers to help a good friend of mine. He is a very talented chef in town and needs a new handle for a sentimental boning knife. It’s his grandfather’s knife and the handle is no longer functional. I am hoping someone with knife handle experience would be willing to replace this handle. He would like it as close to the original as possible but functional is the most important thing. Not sure what this should cost so please let me know if you are confident you can do this and let me know what you would charge.
@Lordrook mayhaps, maybe I’m thinking acrylic knife scales. Any idea the type of wood? The brass rivets shouldn’t be an issue obviously. I am not up to the task but just wondering if you have more info that would be helpful to someone who can
The original handle is hickory.
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Looks to be an Old Hickory style high carbon steel boning knife. I have several Old Hickory knives due to the lineage and exceptional 1095 carbon steel. I believe those are hickory handle blanks you’d need in order to replicate the handle.
These are full tang knives and the knife needs new pins as well as new handles. I’ve done a couple of knife scale handle replacements, but there may be a more experienced DMS member than me that might want to take it on.
I’m happy to help as a last resort, owing to my limited number of builds.
I’ve never made scales (yet), but have made plenty of the handle blanks out of resin (and hybrids, etc). It mostly depends on the users preference though. If they want to stick with wood then maybe stabilizing it would be the way to go to make it last a bit longer.
Also, if being used in a restaurant environment, I think that a non-porous material would be substantially SAFER. That said, I use wood-handled knives in my own kitchen. It is a consideration, though.
Ah I gotcha for some reason I thought you’d done a few scales in resin
I had a friend make me a couple, but the materials were those I had made.
I’ve done scales before, I’ve just never done the rivets. I know the theory, but have never actually done them before. This might end up being a two person job: someone from woodworking to do the scales, and someone from metalshop for the rivets
Hybrid resin and wood handle using the original wood to maintain sentimental value most?
Here’s how it’s done…
anybody take this on yet?