Hi! I am somewhat new to Makerspace. I generally do glass mosaic but have some new ideas and was hoping to take a class in slumping or glass fusing to get some experience using the Kiln. Is there anything like this on the radar? I saw that there was a member meeting coming up on Thursday, so thought i would bring this up now :)!
There you are!!
For your reading pleasure: Kiln procedures
Glass mosaic! Wow would you be willing to teach mosaic class, doesn t
have to be glass either
I’ve got plans for an upcoming class. I’m a couple of days away from putting it up on the calendar but I’ll post as soon as I put it up. Also if you need a walk through with the training I believe I can do that but I’ll double check with the fired arts chair as that is her area and I don’t wish to step on a committee chairs toes.
I think I spoke with you at Open House, so glad to see you here! Once you are comfortable with the kiln are we going to be able to talk you into mosaic classes? Mark me down as another interested party.
Oh my gosh, I would love to some day for sure :-D!!!
Hi There!! Thank you so much for your help at the open house. I am still learning myself, but it would be really fun i think
That sounds perfect! Thank you so much for following up!!
Awesome! I will read through them and thank you. This is my first time on the forum, so i guess i’m supposed to reply to everyone at once…duly noted ;-P!!
Oh, no, Marshall! That thread is a mishmash of misinformation! That was massive quantities of speculation by the under-informed. It’s definitely a dog-and-pony show, and pretty much bereft of any real info.
Indeed! I generally refer to these types of threads as “dumpster fires”. Note I didn’t write “for your edification”, but “for your reading pleasure”…
I like to re-read these over and over and over, just for fun, and personal enjoyment and growth. I like to think they have made me the man I am today.
I was just wondering, is the small kiln used just for glass? or what kiln is used for glass?
Drawing from what I learned about glass slumping/ fuse/ draping, about 10 years ago. Glass should not be fired in a kiln that is being used for clay. Aside from dust issues causing small pits in the glass, the glazes chemicals may molecularly adhere to the kiln. When glass is heated the molecules then are released and settle onto the glass causing an unwanted appearance. I did first hand notice pitting when I used my kiln for both.
The smallest Paragon in the back, between the other two Paragons, is a glass only kiln.
I defiantly need to discuss glass with you. I have not fired any in a digital kiln …turning the knob is so old school. I use to love to Slump / Drape /Fuse.
sorry to LOL, and I know this is an auto-correcty thing, but I still LOLed.
Getcher gloves on, Kris! You can’t stand for this defiance!
wooops! ------------------