Hi Guys,
I just signed up - is there anyone in the building who can help me Monday (Aug 28th) or Tuesday (Aug 29th).
Thank you,
Sean Eckard
Hi Guys,
I just signed up - is there anyone in the building who can help me Monday (Aug 28th) or Tuesday (Aug 29th).
Thank you,
Sean Eckard
Also, happy to come in today (Sun Aug 27th). Please let me know if anyone is able to let me in. Thank you!
Hi, I will be in for most of the rest of the afternoon and can help you get set up.
I will be at a committee meeting until 2pn though, so night need to work around that.
Hey there! Have you been helped?
If not, I’m teaching a class tomorrow evening at 7pm and I can help you out. Shoot me a message
A post was split to a new topic: New Member FOB Assist 28 Aug 2023
Hi @noblegoblin noblegoblin I’ll come by…say 6:45? Thank you for responding!
And there is a new member orientation Tuesday evening at 6pm!
Hey! I’m here! Text me when you arrive.