Just want to put out a shout towards kaleidoscope making and the soon to be wave of all manner of kaleidoscope interest here at the space. I took the kaleidoscope class this morning with my son and mom in tow. We spotted a few epically fancy ones at an art festival this weekend and my moms interest was peaked so felt this would be a fun class and something a bit out of the ordinary. For those of you who don’t know @tomthm is a former professional kaleidoscope maker (how cool is that job) and taught us the history and the basic workings of the beast…yet perpetually had us thinking of how we could be made more complex with all manner of makery.
Anyways, great fun loving class, great little project that could be made more complex, and a really involved and passionate teacher.
Wow, wish I’d seen this on the calendar. Would have been fun. I’m actually making a kaleidoscope exhibit for an event at the Perot next month…this could have been useful!
There’s a Kaleidoscope Class scheduled for Nov. 17th … I just signed up!
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