So, I was looking for my Throwing Class on the calendar, and I only found the 2nd one. It says it’s full, but I think that’s because the starting class (Sunday 2/11 2pm) isn’t approved yet. The 2nd class in the series (2/18) is the one on the calendar, but it’s not open because it’s linked to the first, waiting for non-rejection, class.
Yep. Took me a couple of back-and-forths, but I’d figured that out. I’m hoping to forestall frustration when folks see the class on the calendar and can’t sign up.
I’m new to MakerSpace and was trying to sign up for those classes listed, but like you mention it said it was full. Does that mean there are open spaces?
No. This was early on before the first class (the one today) had posted to the calendar. Classes are created a minimum of 10 days out. The class sits in a waiting queue for 3 days, and then appears on the calendar. The weirdness here is that the 2nd class in a multi-part class appeared on the calendar before the first class came out of the queue. Now, it’s genuinely full. If you were going to be at the Space anyway, you could check to see if everybody showed. I wouldn’t recommend coming out specifically to run stand-by, though. There are only 5 wheels, and I know that there are a couple of folks who planned on coming in to work.
I believe since the second part may not be for an honorarium only has a 48 queue hold. When I did one for the Bridgeport over a year ago, it released the second half so I assumed that was the issue.
Ok, thanks anyway. I guess these are the only classes offered.
Keep checking we have 2 folks teaching throwing