Just joined need a badge

So I just joined a few minutes ago and didn’t realize there is no way for me to get a badge without planning ahead and I’m in the parking lot. Is there anyone here currently that can let me in to get a badge? I did a tour so I’ve already done the waiver.

Possible solutions if luck is on your side:

  1. Ring the front door bell and see if you get someone that happens to be in the Comp room.

  2. Go to the back and try knocking loudly on both back doors. Ceramics and Laser are close and often have members working.

You can also see if there’s any badges in the side pocket on the mailbox by the main door. We usually try to leave a handful there for exactly the situation.

If there are, you can log in to Log In | Maker Manager 3 and register the badge from your phone.


Let me know if there are any badges in the mailbox…

No badges in mailbox someone let me in. Thank you all! Got my badge!

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