John Rigler 2023-11-10

I may not be doing this exactly right, but here goes. I am a returning member and have a little round blue key FOB. If this still works on the door, is there a time that I can come by to get it reset. I have renewed my membership.

I know that there is an open house tomorrow morning, but I was just wondering if I could work with someone today if I show up in the next few hours.


John Rigler

If you are still able to read the numbers on the fob (sometimes they wear off really quickly), you can activate it from home by:

  • visiting Log In | Maker Manager 3
  • logging in with your DMS username and password (the billing username, which may not be the same as Talk)
  • In the top bar, clicking My Badge, and then choosing the relevant some section.
  • You should then be able to type in the badge number.

If you cannot read the badge, you will need to do it in the space where we have readers to see it.

I see a bar on front of the fob where the number used to be, but it is long gone.

I will just come by. Its not like I have plans to work on some big project today.

I’ve taken the liberty of removing a phone number from post 1 because:

  1. No one in DMS ‘management’ is going to call you
  2. Privacy - Talk is scraped like all websites and it’s not a great idea to be just throwing that information out there

Damn. I thought someone had died.

I will be around this morning, Sat 10 - noon during tours if you swing by.