Jobs in .90 and .92 complete and unattended for an hour

Someone (Kia?) handwriting is not legible prints finished over an hour ago and do not respond to texts or calls.

I kinda wanted to use Bubba before he went unavailable again.

I believe the current rules are that if contact has been made and no response after an hour, other members are carefully allowed to remove their print and put it over on the table closer to the fire door.

Just talked to him. He said he’ll be back in an hour or so. I pointed out he was supposed to be in the building, and he indicated he was told it’s no longer a rule. I remember a discussion about this, but remember the resolution differently.

You can still remove the completed prints and use the printer.

If I was desperate I would, but I really don’t want to mess with someone else’s print if I can avoid it.

We stopped requiring that you are in the building long ago. As long as your information is on the printer.

I don’t know if the rule has been restated again that you must be, but it was mostly down to realizing that prints just run too long for that to be reasonable.

That being said, by not being in the building/ around, you are also giving implicit permission for another member to move your print off the build area/ take out your filament when done.