Job Lead - Quality Assurance Testing - Virtual Reality Things

This is from a person I have been talking with, in my own job search:

Q Analysts is looking for a team of games testers to work on testing applications for a virtual reality product. Project requires a basic background in testing games or visual interfaces with good attention to detail. Basic Mobile troubleshooting skills are required.
Testers will run existing test cases and log bugs for and android based SDk that forms the core OS for the product. Project involves testing Virtual Reality applications on a VR headset. Requires good exploratory skills, sharp visual skills and an inquisitive mind to test the limitations of the software and hardware. They will also have to document and create test reports and be comfortable with team collaboration.

About all of you totally nail the requirements for this position.

PM me if you are interested, with your email address, and I will get you connected.

Thanks all.