January Membership Count


Looks like there was a big bump in membership last month, with 11 new yearly members and 60 more regular members. The total count is at 621 now.

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you can see peoples’ reasons for joining: https://accounts.dallasmakerspace.org/howdidyouhearaboutus.php


Made a little pie chart to show why members joined DMS. I tried to categorize these in as few groups as possible without losing the meaning of each categories.

Looks like direct referrals gains us the most members. But the internet, news and web media are right behind them. I categorized social media as meetup, facebook and youtube. But, those numbers could be muddied with internet / media. Also, events, groups and classes may be low as some referrals may have come from an event or class.

Link to how I got these numbers.