Hey everyone, our next meeting is next Thursday, 1/9/20 at 7 PM in the North Lobby Conference Room. Our agenda is set forth in the DMS Calendar page: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
For those of you interested in learning the art of arcade game restorations or the skill of playing pinball, or those interested in keeping VECTOR clean, c’mon out and visit us!
Friendly reminder of our meeting today. Also it’s timely for a cleanup since the dumpster for suite 102 just arrived, so let’s throw away any of our unwanted junk!
Here’s our meeting minutes, up for confirmation/debate for 1 week:
Time: 1/9/2020, 7:00 PM, North Lobby Conference Room
Start: 7:05 PM
In attendance: Nathan, Chuck, Jay, Shawn, Oscar, Paul, Rodney (eventually), Stephen
Topics of discussion:
Disposition of the Heat Wave game currently in VECTOR.
– Make minor repairs to this game before mid-March. It works now but has some nuisances.
– Sell the game at TPF (Texas Pinball Festival) 3/27-29/2020. This way, it’s offered for sale in a public forum – one of the premier pinball festivals in the country.
– It’s possible someone may offer us a trade at TPF. If this happens, we have an action plan of whether or not to take the trade, if trading is permitted by law.
Post it on our “DMS Vector Chat” Hangouts
Everyone must respond within 30 minutes or “forever hold your peace”
Majority of yes/no votes wins (among those responding)
TPF 2020 VECTOR Representation - Thus far we have signed up to bring ~10 games. Get them signed up ASAP so the planners can allocate enough space to DFW Pinball Club, who we’re sharing with this year.