Issues with donner recieving files

There seems to be an issue with Donner receiving files from Lightburn and RDWorks. Issue does not resolve with hard reset of machine or computer. Stopped working mid-job.

My initial thought is that this is a sensor issue, or storage space issue.

Storage space is a common issue for not being able to send files, It doesn’t really explain why it would stop midprint.

Actually not very much explains why it would stop mid use.

I will try to be up there either tomorrow or Sunday to take a look.

I also can’t explain why it would stop mid job … but look and see how many files are listed in the Files listing on Donner. It has a two-digit counter so once it gets to 99 it won’t receive any more files until you delete some off the laser.

I cleared out some files and that seemed to be the issue. Thank you for the tip. I’ll update if it keeps having problems.

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Cool. In the files menu, you can also use the arrow keys to move down the menu and go to other > clear all files. If you don’t get to it, I’ll get to that on Sunday