If it is, come get it from the warehouse before it goes in the dumpster.
I wonder if that’s the one @denzuko had yesterday…
I think I did see @denzuko on it yesterday
Yep, @denzuko and I met up last night for him to take the bike. It did need air in the tires last night, so that may be why it’s still there
couldn’t get a lyft that would be able to take it and myself. I was already going to swing by this evening to pick it up since its the end of the work week and I’ll be able to have the time to try and either fix it, scrap it, or walk the 35 mile back home to work on it there.
Bring a bike lock, probably won’t bother anyone to have it locked up on the bike rack between work sessions.
Bring a bike lock, probably won’t bother anyone to have it locked up on the bike rack between work sessions.
now, where did that go? oh yeah, might be sitting next to the other bike, pump, and tools at the studio that are for bike repair.
Sorry, don’t mean to sound negative here and I appreciate the suggestion. It’s just a hierarchy of needs thing in which it would not be conductive for one like myself to leave another “project” at the space. Especially with the next two weeks of hell NOC duty coming up.
Stashing it behind the chemical cabinet at the space is not the way to go about keeping it at the DMS. You could have easily put it on the temporary project storage shelves.
yeah still we’re same page here it shouldn’t be there and it must go.
Where do you live now? We have plenty of members with trucks.
Tonight will be difficult though with the predicted storms rolling through.
Where do you live now?
Same as always. Plano, spring creek and Coit.
I’m in need of a bike rack for my 1 1/4 hitch on my car. If I had one I’d be happy to help.
Glad the Wal-Mart near the office had all the tools and parts I needed. Got the tires repaired. There was a twisted nibble on the front tire but that didn’t prove to be an issue.
Going to order up the electric motor tonight so it will come in this weekend.
For now it’s in 100% operational state so I have it locked up on the bike rack and when the motor comes in I’ll get that installed and remove the whole thing that minute.