I recently joined up with the makerspace after moving from new orleans. I have extensive experience with recording in both studio and live settings as well as a hefty knowledge of digital/analog interfaces. I’m happy to instruct and assist with projects as my free time allows!!
Hoping to get some classes on cnc or woodworking tools to begin making guitars and electric bari ukes, but man those fill up fast!
Are you in the space? Could you stop by digital media?
No, but I can be by tomorrow or thursday
Welcome to MakerSpace. Don’t know if you’ve considering teaching any classes, but if you ever do any on mixing, that’d be great.
What post software packages are you familiar with?
I’d love to see a “ProTools First” (it’s the free version of PT) class.
There is an intense interest in getting competent audio recordings of organizational meetings - i.e. Board Meetings and Member Meetings.
Mixing is a huge world, I could either do a quick and dirty one hour seminar about the mixing tools, or a 4 day experience. It all depends on what you’re mixing for.
I’ve used Logic ProX, Audacity, Studio one, and I’m certified in ProTools. I’d be happy to help out giving a intro level class for protools first.
In what sense, recording minutes for archives? how often and intense are these needs?
There’s interest in recording the entirety of the audio for archival purposes as well as giving those not in attendance context which terse meeting minutes do not capture.
Board meetings occur ~monthly. The setup unfortunately needs to be mobile since meetings can occur in any of our larger rooms.
Yup that was an open ended question. I’ve done some audio editing for voiceovers in my old job, but I’m interested in properly mixing music tracks I’ve recorded. Pretty standard stuff, guitar, bass, vocals, drums from libraries. I’ve taken stabs at it, watched YouTube, but the way I learn best is watching and learning how a pro does it. I’m not at the skill level of anything more than the basics. I’m not up for a one on one due to financial constraints, but if there is interest from other members, maybe it could lead to an intro class. Less the specific tools to use, more so the process, methods and guidelines.
I have a mobile setup that could work but if the rooms are changing as needed, there is a distinct possibility of differences in the audio quality. I’m happy to discuss specifics with someone and make this happen! I would need someone from the board to schedule with me and talk about setup, how many mics, etc…
If there is enough of a response I would be happy to give a rundown on my experience of the process of mixing in a way that can translate to most DAWS. I have done recordings and edits for voiceovers, radio, documentaries, as well as studio and live concerts. Youtube has definitely been an educator for me, but never so much as learning while doing. I’m happy to answer any specific questions you have until the opportunity comes for a class to be held.
Thanks man.