Dear Dallas Makerspace member,
After having received approval from one of your group’s organizers to do so, I would like to introduce you to Collaborizm, an online collaborative work-space for makers, aspiring entrepreneurs and creatives ( Makers are using Collaborizm to network and share knowledge, globally, around intensely innovative and creative projects. Since launching an improved version in April, we have been growing quickly and our user activity is very encouraging (many of our early adopters are engineers/aspiring entrepreneurs from India, who appear particularly siloed and are eager to collaborate with like-minded people). We released an Android app 2 weeks ago and we’re getting high scores in the Android app store, and we’re now working on an iOS app.
We are building a vibrant social collaboration community, but we need to get the word out to grow the network. To see the potential of our community, please see this article just published in a periodical called The Memo about one of our users: Nepal’s Light: Spreading light to those in times of darkness
We built Collaborizm for inspired people like you and we invite you to join our community of makers and other inspired people!
Feel free to ask any questions you may have and someone on our team will try to respond asap.
Richard Reubenstone
email: [email protected]