Tried to register for the intermediate level induction forge class with Nick Brown but apparently the entry level class I took with Dan was not recorded as meeting the prerequisite requirement. How do I get the lists updated?
I can confirm you took the class but you didn’t sign the safety test nor date it so I don’t know when you took the class. @raceman1590
We took the intro blacksmithing class (where we made the chisel) on 1/10/23 and the railroad spike knife class on 1/24/23
I will reach out to the person to whoever is in charge on overseeing the class check off list. Will get back to you as soon as we get that figured out.
There is NO class check off list. I gave safety briefings and had everyone take a test. Both Amy and her father Mac were in my class.
Are you saying that there isn’t an AD Assignment in the class as you taught it? I.e., it wasn’t set up to “fullfil requirement”?
It’s being taken care of I will let Amy know when I receive an update and have her sign up.
Still unable to register. Please add me to the notification when access is cleared. Thanks
Mac Robertson
You are on my mind when it gets cleared I will let you know. Many others are having the same issue but we are on it.
You are good to sign up for the class now let me know if you have an issue
It is still saying I don’t have the prerequisite class.
Okay I will find the issue. And get back with you.
Just tried again and still get the message that a prerequisite is required. Amy Robertson also has tried again with the same results.
Mac Robertson
Okay both of y’all is getting looked into and I will have feedback as soon as I get some.
Amy you should be good now. Still working on you Mac.
I’m still not able to
Amy Robertson
If you haven’t yet, please make sure to log out of the calendar and then back in. Your permissions will only update on the calendar on login.
That worked! Thanks for everyone’s help!
Amy Robertson
@macrobertson we got your account added to the pre-req now, if you log out and back into the calendar, you should be able to register.
Thanks. Registration worked this attempt.