Who remembers this relic(meant in a good way)?
Who remembers this relic(meant in a good way)?
Or this Saab?
Maybe not this one but seems like it would make a good donor body for a more capable off roader
This seems an OK price
I think I just want every car that has a sticker that says “Unleaded Fuel Only” somewhere in large font
The Trooper II was the first car I bought myself vs was handed down from my folks. Good memories with that car.
Interesting side note: Troopers will float in mid-thigh-deep creek water. Ask me how I know
I helped a friend buy one of these and get it stuck the first time he ever went off road so he could learn how to rock it out. Fun little SUV.
Saab Sonnet - There’s one you don’t see much anymore - with the V4 engine…yes V4.
I recall the old 70s Transit Vans had them too!
Not CL, but interesting.
That has “maker project” appeal - I think Ferman and Andrew should investigate it !
Had a 1984 Civic wagon. Found out it too will float…twas an interesting experience
I’ve always been a Pinz fan!
Same. Especially the 6x6 model
Lose the Bomex(a collectible in itself) and it would be a collectible.
Amusing and one of the most un-PC ad I’ve ever seen.
Why did this ad for this car make this song (which I haven’t thought about in YEARS) pop into my head?
45K, he must not be in a hurry to sell this ride.