While I’ve recently made the move to focusing on fine art, I spent the last 9 years or so as a special effects makeup artist for film and television. You can see some of my work (art and makeup) at www.shellydenning.com. I still pick up the occasional film gig, but I’m very picky. I just got burnt out on the whole industry. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in some classes. If so, what are you most interested in? Basic face painting? Custom tattoos? Prosthetics? Mold making? Prop building? Let me know.
A few notes:
- It’s too late in the year to get anything done before Halloween, but could be great year-round for cos-players. To be honest, I probably wouldn’t be able to do anything until next year.
- Supplies can be expensive.
- We wouldn’t be able to do everything at Makerspace. There is no foam oven, so forget foam latex pieces. We would need a freezer to do prosthetic transfers. Some supplies require really good ventilation, so we’d have to set something up outside.
Even with these limitations, I could at least do some demonstrations or instructional classes so that folks can make their own stuff at home. Let me know what y’all think and I’ll see what I can put together.