Interest in amateur radio

We’ll have the ham station set back up sometime in the next weeks or months. We should have much better access to the roof from our new spot in the expansion area.

Hopefully we can get a bit more activity going in the SIG.

73’s de K5SLR

And we have brand new reels of high quality coax for the new feeds, so our HF rig should work well.


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We need to get the dual band J-pole up on the roof too.

The Electronics Lab just moved from their old location to the new one. Yesterday (Wednesday) we had a lot of volunteers to help out. Things are a mess right now as we start to re-organize the new Lab area, including the Amateur Radio bench. Our plans are to install, 2 each, 4 inch conduits up to the roof for coax and control wiring. Stay tuned for another volunteer task to install it.

Richard (KG5OB)


James, I currently hold a GENERAL license (KE5MAR) and would like to advance to the EXTRA
class. I took a two-day GENERAL class which helped tremendously. Do you know
if there are any EXTRA classes being run in the D/FW area/ I have a bit of electronics
background but need a refresher on components found in RF gear. I know that a class
to teach a lot of the EXTRA subjects would be a semester in one of the local colleges.
I’m looking more for hints/tips that would help on the EXTRA license exam… ???

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Unfortunately, I have never seen an Extra class. General classes exist. But, they are few and far between. From a Google search, it looks like there may be one or two per year in North Texas at the most.

I am not sure what to tell you except to get the license manuals and supplement them with the ARRL Handbook and online resources like YouTube. Also, if you have specific questions about something, I am happy to try to help. I usually either know the answer or can find out pretty quickly. (No guarantees, though. Extra is pretty difficult.)

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The easiest way to get your Extra Class license is to simply memorize all the questions and answers on the test. All 712 of the possible questions are on online with the correct answers, called the Question Pool. The final exam is 50 questions, and are word for word taken from the Question Pool. You must pass with at least a 74% grade, 37 correct answers. All the questions will change on June 30, 2020, when a new Question Pool will be created. If you practiced every evening for 30 days, I’d bet you could do it. You can learn the theory behind all the questions at a later time as you experiment in the hobby.

Richard Meyer, AG5OB, Extra Class


While it would be great if we would all study theory until we could walk in and pass the exam, I hardily endorse Rich’s comments above. Here are some links I sent to friend working on Technician. I suspect they have Extra info as well.

question pool - at top choose ALL or CORRECT only - Lots of people recommend studying with only correct answer showing.

flash cards

Check my post.

Brady Pamplin, W5LH, Extra Class

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I understand the comment, but many of the classes and training books offer this approach. I have had my Extra Class license over 50 years, back when Morse Code was required.

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Thanks guys… I have the ARRL Extra Class Manual…
After about 10 pages of RF signal characteristics, chokes,
and filters, the eyes gloss over and I fall asleep!! It contains
the Question Pools - probably should focus on that.


Any news on the class? Or did I miss it?

@yehuda613 has had a series of Technician classes. I don’t see anything on the calendar now. I heard very good responses from a couple of people that attended. Hopefully he will repeat these.

I am definitely be interested

Yes, I had a series of 6 classes in late spring/early summer. Right now, I have no specific plans for any classes. But, I am open to having some in November/December. My September and October are just too busy.

James / KK5Y

I’ll keep my eyes open

Hey James
In case you missed this:

Let me know if you’re interested.

I am interested in the group, I do not have a call sign since i am very very new to it.

Added you to the AR SIG list.

Could you please add me as well?

Robert Short

Added you to both lists.