Interest check: Support Spindle Class

[The class will be happening, but more gauging how many spindles we need to make]

Annnnnd…it’s ALIVE!!!

I messed around with prototyping a cheap support spindle and fiddled out one I’m happy with and easy to make more. So who’s up for a SUPPORT SPINNING CLASS??? :slight_smile:

This is hand-spinning where the spindle tip rests in a dish versus hanging like a drop-spindle. It’s fairly flexible for a range of fibers, excelling at short or fine fibers that can be tricky on a drop spindle. This type of spinning is represented in many cultures around the world.

***I’m also getting a head count of interest so I have an idea how many spindles we might need to make. (We’ll probably also do the build one night at a Tuesday Fiberfrolic if you wanna make yours or help. It’ll be simple, but an opportunity to control-freak your very own.)

Class will probably be some Tuesday evening in February.

Who’s interested that hasn’t chimed in on the fb groups?

Need dis pls k thx <3

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I’m scheduling one soon, likely feb28