Interest check in sewn leather monk bag class

We were struggling with two layers of medium weight denim in my hemming class using the Janome.

You’re more than welcome to bring your sewing machine to any of the sewing classes.

I was told the babylock Zest were purchased because they were heavier duty. Is this not the case?

I was told you can sew 6 layers of denim on the Zest. I have not tested it or sewn leather on it, so I can’t say how well it will sew.

We have three Zests. I will talk to Stan to get a tool category for the Zests so we will have more sewing machines options and availability for classes.

You will need to take Astrud’s class in order to properly thread the machine since the bobbin is different from the Janome and Thor.

Since threading is a simple thing from machine to machine (except the Thor - thats vastly different), can we not just link to the youtube instruction vid and self check out? It doesn’t hurt the machine if the user cannot figure it out. It just limits their use.

(ok, there is unintended irony here, as the Zest and Thor share bobbin location different from most machines. But still, Zest has videos. the Thor’s are via the similar Cowboy sewing machine)

i did not find this documented on the Babylock site. Not disagreeing, but I would like a link to more info on it.

I don’t know much about the Zest, I just know I like it better than the Janome when I was sewing the muslin swatches. You will have to talk to Astrud about it, she talked to the seller directly.

There are printed instructions right next to the machine on how to thread the Zest. I would prefer the novices to take Astrud’s class so they don’t accidentally messed up the tension. The more experienced sewers hopefully can know how to properly read the instructions.

With all that being said, I’m looking forward to your class (@Lordrook) and hope to get the machines sorted out. Thank you for volunteering to teach! We need more sewing instructors.

Agreed, Some of us have been sewing for 25+ years so a whole intro class seems overkill.

Did you find a video for threading it yet? you are the tutorial video master :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks @Aneres, I have limited times I can teach so I will do my best. It really depends on if the calendar is open when I am free. Looks like someone already locked up all of May when I am available so we shall see.

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Bobby insertion:

@jrkriehn Judy for the win!

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Tavai comrade! Thor not care about puny leather