I think it’s time to get a regular Leather-working SIG Workshop going.
Between @flisenby’s Intro to Leather classes, which always fill, and my project classes we find quite a few people interested in leather-working with a range of experience from none to intermediate. I know we have members who are also experienced leather crafters, but we don’t have a lot to offer them aside from the tools and equipment we have. I’d like to tap into that knowledge for the sake of other newer members.
I’m considering June 9th, for a Leather-working SIG Workshop.
It would be open to both members and non-members as our project classes are, as a way of trying to attract new members and educate our existing members.
It would have some agenda items like a Show and Tell where people can show off their work and talk about techniques they used, things they learned while making it. A Tips and Tricks portion where we cover a particular tool or technique exposing new users to those tools and techniques. Mostly it would be “workshop” time where people can ask questions of our more advanced members, or get advice with a project they’re working on, and maybe get assistance with their project using our tools.
So here are my asks.
Does this sound like an interesting use of of the SIG?
For you more advanced leathercrafters, would you volunteer your time to be an “expert” for this?
For those that have leather projects they are proud of, would you attend to show off and talk about your make?
I can answer number one, it does sound like an interesting sig (special interest group in case any newbies like me didn’t figure that out for a week). As a complete novice though my issue is I don’t know if I have enough interest in leather working. Francesca does a great class that’s got a bunch of good information and the project classes look like they’d be neat and may cover this, but (maybe I just missed something) I have no clue where to start if I wanted to do my own thing right now. I could watch YouTube videos and hope the people know what they’re doing and go from there, does that make sense? Long answer and vague sorry lol
That’s a good answer. Maybe I wasn’t clear but a workshop like this for a newbie should be helpful for getting ideas or dipping your toe in. No project needed to come and see if it’s worth pursuing. The project classes will be where actual skills are taught for sure.
I’m in. I’m at that stage where I know just enough to be dangerous (kidding) and I’m ready to start doing more personal projects. Inspiration, getting to know other folks, and knowledge from SIG happenings would be great.
This model has worked well for our fiberarts. Get help, assimilate -er- infect -er- encourage folks with get togethers to share and connect.
Looking at my notes, literally the first two lines from leatherworking 101 which I believe were quotes “DONT CUT FINGERS OFF! DON’T BREAK S*@#!” haha it’s probably good you tossed the kidding in there
I would love this. I am just getting started with leather-working and I would love to learn from the pros, and then show off what I make as I progress. Getting feedback/critique regularly on what I’m doing would also be great! And leather-work is something I’ve been wanting to dive into for a while now.