Interest Check: Blender Class(es)

While I’m waiting for news on the Release of FreeCAD 1.0 (and the subsequent FreeCAD Class I’m planning), I’ve been considering teaching another freeform Blender class (or maybe two!).

Last Time, I held two Sessions: The first was a beginner class, with a slight focus on modeling for 3D Printing, while the second was an intermediate course with some more practical examples for 3D Printing.

What I’m considering this time around is something new: The same Beginner course in the Morning, but with an intermediate/advanced course that dips further into Blender’s Artsy side. I’m thinking something like an Introduction to Animation, in which I would lead the class in the creation of one (hopefully two) rigged models: A Robotic Arm, which demonstrates simple parenting of individual rigid meshes to specific bones, and/or a simple blobby stick figure dude, which introduces the Armature modifier, weight painting, Inverse Kinematics, etc. (If we do both, I would use the Robotic Arm to introduce IK).

If there is little interest in animation, I could instead do a deep dive into various ways to use Modifiers to create interesting things to 3D Print.

Any thoughts?

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I will give you the same feedback I did before. Create an outline of what you plan to cover and use it as a guide during your class to ensure you cover all the points. Also putting a small bulleted list of what you are going to cover in the class descriptions helps people understand what they will be learning.

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Definitely interested in growing my skills in Blender! I’m also curious about how to translate blender creations into to the physical world.

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