Interactions with other makerspaces

This was rather surprising:



I hope there’s less to this than meets the eye…


That’s totally uncool.

Grr…didn’t mean to direct that reply to you Jast. Meant to just reply to the thread. Just clicked a little fast on the wrong reply button.


No idea who this might be. But my question is how is this a problem if someone is teaching at both places? I think we should work with other spaces. Greg and I met recently at a McKinney makerspace meeting to share ideas. It was a good thing.

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They are telling them to teach at DMS instead of the Lab.MS. In other words, they are asking people to NOT teach at both places.


That’s not ok. I’ll contact Greg and ask him how we can get to the bottom of it.


Not our problem. People can advocate for whatever they want or don’t want. We don’t need to get involved with petty bullshit like this.


A huge makerspace with arguably more classes than classroom capacity need not and should not try to “steal” teachers from others.


The action as asserted makes for bad optics, but is not actionable presented secondhand and lacking detail.


Right, but we can’t control what people do outside the space.

It’s shitty behavior for sure though.

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I agree completely but what people decide to do on their own doesn’t have anything to do with DMS. Nothing worthwhile can come of getting involved. If they have a problem with one of their members then they can handle it however they want.

Sometimes it just takes making a statement saying that we want to support Makerspaces and Makers around the country and we do not wish to compete with them for resources, people or teachers and instead we want to help in any way we can.


The catch is we as DMS are not doing this. We have no official or unofficial stance on stealing teachers from other makerspaces. These are the actions of individuals. Our over reacting and attempting to stop this only hurts our position in this matter.

The right move is to just apologize to the other makerspace for any hurt feelings and explain that we have no formal or informal stance towards teachers of other makerspaces.

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This behavior is atrocious. Anyone doing this should be barred from teaching for honorarium at DMS.


The right of free association used to be valued in America.

If you do something unethical, your employer is well within his right to fire you.

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I thought DMS didn’t want employees.

Our teachers are contractors; the argument still holds.

That’s a stretch.

Contractors have less rights than employees.

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