Instructor Name Tags

To whoever is making the name tags for instructors and committee chairs/vice-chairs, THANK YOU.

An instructor name tag was made for my wife, Donetta Fleming, but her name was misspelled. I didn’t notice the misspelling at first, but noticed it last night, and put it back on the board in the laser area. The next time another batch of them is being run, can you add her to the list, please?

Again, thank you for taking the time to make them.


Mark Salas @Mrksls2 made the Instructor badges some time ago.
He’ll take it from here.


Also, I believe Mark Reynolds @mreynolds may still need one. If you’re running a job and all that is :wink:

I got him one made during open house thanks to @julzperkins and @Corbimos!


Thanks Steve. Where is it?

They had been storing them on the metal hanging sign over by the zing

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It would be kind of neat to have a little icon either laser etched or maybe a decal on the badge that shows what an instructor teaches. I realize @talkers would need a 2’ badge to cover all his areas but for us ‘regular’ instructors it might look neat.

Related, the Leather-working SIG icon is a cow head with a tear coming down.


@sixvolts is putting the new template file in the laser committee member drive. @Mrksls2 has more material. I can make one for Donetta. @CaryF300

I just found mine a couple days ago. Wow - @Mrksls2 it sure is a nice badge! Thanks mucho.

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If you have some time, @mreynolds needs one as well. he wanted it to read “Limey”.