Information for potential activities

What do you want to do with atomic energy at DMS?

Obviously, “build a power plant” is out of the question. There’s a very strict regulatory & licensing regime!
“Build a reactor” is not, assuming the reactor in question is a Farnsworth-type electrostatic-inertial-confinement deuterium-fusion device.

So far as biological experiments are concerned, I have acquired a book on nuclear and radiochemistry, & am waiting on a copy of “Some Applications of Atomic Energy to Plant Science”, contained in the seventh semiannual report of the Atomic Energy Commission, from all the way back in 1951.

I traded a Dalek egg for a pulse-height analyzer, & another for a scintillation counter, so as soon as I can put together a suitable high-voltage power supply, I should be able to start identifying radioactive materials by gamma-ray spectroscopy. This is a very powerful technique.


As is “Build a nuclear device.”

If I was alive during WWII, the job I want would be:

  1. Fighter or bomber pilot.
  2. Nuclear physicist at LosAlamos.
  3. Cryptologist working to break Enigma.