Improving picture etching quality on granite

I am trying to etch a picture on some black granite and its not coming out right. I have tried all three lasers and messed with different settings. Does anyone know what I need to change for it to come out best.

it all starts with the artwork. what are you using to process the pictures? Simply half-toning them doesn’t always work. I use 1-Touch LaserPhoto from ULS which has always produced better results than anything I tried to do. I’d be happy to process a flie for you for comparison.
2nd - the resolution is important and does not always have to 1000 dpi. You need some space between the pixels to give it contrast.

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I have just been importing the stock photo into the laser software. He is the picture I scanned in

Wow… that one is harsh on coloring.

I did a few small tweaks.

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