To whomever last used 91…
Sigh. Yet another nozzle is headed to the landfill.
To whomever last used 91…
Sigh. Yet another nozzle is headed to the landfill.
This problem has been too frequent. Many people are forgetting their training. Or maybe they think training is not required? I’m starting to think we need to post warning signs that training is required and to turn off heat when idle.
Or maybe we could program a timeout script to cut the heat when there is no activity for some amount of time…
also when I RDCd in just now (because I like to snoop sometimes and see what kind of jobs people are doing) it looks like .91 has a hot nozzle and i’m not too sure if someone’s using it. Can’t control it from here either way. I think someone asked me to heat it the other day so he could remove his filament or something, and I was working on the form2 that day, but the thing is I can’t remember if he or I turned the heat back off again.
If someone is at the space, could you please make sure that if nobody’s using it, to turn off the heat on .91?
Thank you for mentioning that.
Another nozzle goes to the landfill. More volunteer time gets flushed down the toilet. Sigh.
Thanks. Hey, so my RDC can’t control octoprint at all. I kinda understand the reasoning for that, but what if something is on that I notice and nobody is at the space?
also is there a way I can learn how to maintain these printers? I’m not down there all the time, but every time I’ve been, 65% of them have been down. That’d be a good use of my time while I wait for the SLA to finish.
There is an Octoprint plugin that will automatically turn off the heater if no print job is started after a certain time period. It will also do the same after a print has finished! Could be a super easy automatic protection for this problem!
A fine choice for a subset of the occurrences. But it gives a false sense of security. When Octoprint stops communicating with the printer, which happens often, the printer is not just idle hot but the person who walked away and anyone who checks will believe everything is OK.
There is a class like this on most Saturdays: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
Rats. Maybe someday I’ll get weekends off, until then I’m restricted to the
after 9pm events if any exist on any day…
Or maybe I could meet with someone on the space some evening. Idk.