Hydraulic Crimping Tool (Found)

Does anyone know where the DMS Hydraulic Crimping Tool is? We have looked for what seems like everywhere at the space and cannot find it. The last time we used it, it was on the automotive metal shelf before everything was rearranged. It looks like this: imagehttps://dms-discourse-static.s3.amazonaws.com/original/2X/8/8619231b0778057438c75df3a0e7eac94a3214b7.jpg

We’re hoping to use it tonight if anyone knows where it is. Many thanks!


@TLAR @LukeStrickland .

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Haven’t seen it. I know there’s a locked cabinet of tools in automotive now. No idea what’s in there

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Yea we noticed that cabinet. Do you know who holds keys to it so we can contact them?

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The keys are in the server room. Any BoD member can get them for you.


Since Tom was looking for it 6 days ago, I’m betting on it NOT being in the cabinet…


That is committee storage - per the label that is(or was) one the door

Any Board member is welcome to open it - just don’t remove anything from it

The CRIMPER in question is NOT in that cabinet.


Is it in one of the conversion vehicles that used to be parked out back?


I fount it yesterday(7/1/18). its on top of the big green tool cabinet at automotive area.


Well there you go.
Hidden in (not so) plain sight.

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I’m a tall fella and I’m not entirely sure I can see the top of said cabinet.

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Any chance the top of the green tool cabinets is in any of the video cams?

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I’ve already asked for those cameras to be reviewed. The crimper “mysteriously” reappeared Sat night (first time I noticed it on top of the green tool box).

It was not there before that time.


Hmmm…wonder if someone felt guilty got nervous?
Should be relatively easy to bracket down the videos.

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