How to prevent MITM attacks

Before your access lists or firewall rules comes layer 2(L2). This is the Data link layer where your MAC addressing lives. Why do we need to protect L2…?

  • Man in the middle attacks happen via L2
  • Rogue DHCP on a single segment
  • DHCP server starvation attack
  • ARP attacks against your switches

Man in the middle attack

What is a man in the middle attack? Here’s what wikipedia says about it. In a nutshell I tell the router that I am you, and I tell you that I am the router. What happens is that all your traffic passes through me…while I intercept everything possible about what you are doing. I wait for you to attempt a bank transaction and hand you a bunk site certificate and steal your monies :slightly_smiling_face: I do this by sending gratuitous ARPs. These are unprovoked ARP announcements. I send ARPs over and over to the router saying I’m you. I then send you ARPs over and over saying that I am the router.


Cisco/juniper routers


Make an isolated network

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