I get that some people are just messy and they just won’t clean up after themselves. It’s pathetic, but I’ve learned to accept it. However, this is one day (at most) worth of mess. It really looks like most people are just leaving their trimmings and purgings to sit in the bottom of the printer rather than taking the 4-5 steps to the trash can.
I’d like to propose putting a message (probably a sticker of some kind) in this area at the front of each printer. Something along the lines of “This is not a trash can. Please take your trimmings and purgings to the actual trash can in the corner.” If this is okay with 3D Fab, I can create and apply the stickers.
No telling, but this is definitely a common occurrence, and not the exception in 3D Fab. I’ve come in on several mornings and cleaned out truly unreasonable amounts of trimmings from the printers.
For instance, just looking at this image, I can tell you that it’s likely the leavings of 7-10 people (could be less if someone did several print jobs with different colors, but that’s not super common).
That’s just the thing - this isn’t one person. My point is that I think, unfortunately, most 3D Fab users are doing this.
I think they’ve been taught to do this (by example… I’m fairly certain this wasn’t part of 3D Printer Basics).
Personally I think that since axey has stepped down and mitch always busy that 3d fab has gotten a little neglected. Not by much mind you but enough where things like this are starting to show up.
So we’re clear, this isn’t me just annoyed that I have to clean up someone else’s mess (I did, by the way, if it wasn’t clear, clean this up after taking the photo).
That does annoy me, but what I really really want is for more people to not make the mess in the first place.
People barely take out the trash. I’ve come in to trash piled around the little trash can in the front hall and watched people walk past it before I could go get a trash bag. One thing I do every time I come to the space is check the trash cans and try to empty them. Always leave the space better looking than when you found it. Unfortunately this seems to be a foreign concept to a lot of our members.
How many times does anyone, let alone everyone actually encourage all of us to be responsible? Not many to be honest. Day one at the space, and this seems to be the common theme with new members, I didn’t know any single person, what the rules where other than here’s a wiki and talk now sign in and don’t break things.
Where’s the social responsibility in that? I felt more like I just joined a gym for makers than joining a community. Granted yes, I personally took it upon myself to get to know everyone that I could and become apart of the community, which does show, But not everyone is going to do that.
So, yes if stickers is the answer then sure, we have the tools to make those and post it up. But there’s something telling me that it would just come off passive agressive and never solve the main issue.
Maybe we should just have day to call up the committee (and by committee I mean members that actively use the 3d printers) to the space, do a clean down and afterwards… pizza and beer (or something equivalent)?
I always thought full trash cans and trash in the floor were universal signs that you needed to do something.
Too many people caught up in being makers and not enough remembering to be decent human beings.
Which goes back to my statement earlier of " I just joined a gym for makers than joining a community. I just joined a gym for makers than joining a community. "
Set the expectation that we’re offering a service and people would just use what’s given to them with little to no return. But, clearly set the expectation from the start plus ensure a consistent message about it and people will step up.
IMO every “basics” class should begin with having the class-takers take out all the trash in that committee’s area, and a walk-through of nearby areas pointing out trash cans. Thursday Night tours should start in the lobby and go straight to the Dumpster and then begin back in Laser and Automotive.
lol… not sure if that would work either but I like the effort and where we’re going here…
I know a few tour guides, including myself, have pointed out that its everyone’s responsibility to keep the place cleen so maybe actually including that as part of a standard of the tour and if anyone wants to give a tour they have taken the class which teaches that standard tour?
At one time there was a discussion about having a “Mess Makers Wall of Shame”. Take still frames from the video and post. The guilty are given a choice of being put on “Clean up Patrol” for 30 days or banned from the committee area for 30 days. The number goes up for repeat offenders/slow learners. This approach has been discouraged - and hence the on going problem.
The psychotic results of this could be rather amusing.
Trash on the floor, yes. Don’t forget that we pay a cleaning lady, and she’s here Monday through Friday, and she empties the trash. So, I personally would only mess with the trash if it’s Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday early-ish. Just sayin’…