Hobbyist locates lost satellite while trying to track a classified satellite

NASA lost the IMAGE satellite years ago. A little over a week ago, a hobbyist located the satellite.

Here’s the original announcement of the find: https://skyriddles.wordpress.com/2018/01/21/nasas-long-dead-image-satellite-is-alive/#more-32

Good overview of the whole thing: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/long-lost-nasa-satellite-found-amateur-astronomer-180967974/

And this is what NASA is doing about it: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/attempting-to-contact-nasa-s-image


Is the whole “finders keepers” a thing with regard to space stuff? It should be!

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Yeah, just have to go get it first.

lol…Elon Musk to the rescue!

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Speaking of Elon Musk, so you cannot afford a Tesla or a ride on a Falcon 9, now there is this: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-boring-company-sold-104004698.html

Remember when the shuttle layered debris all over North Texas?

My ex husband swears that part of the shuttle landed on an apartment building in Plano and it quickly went up in flames. He said he went outside and walked down to see what the noise is about and the street was covered in foam and a police brigade had people pushed back for a few blocks. The whole apartment unit was destroyed. He was staying with his parents who speak no English and they were worried and so he started asking questions and he was told the shuttle landed on the apartments by one of the officers. I could get on google maps and figure out which one he was talking about if you’re curious. He swears by it. He also swears by a few other things that turned out not to be exactly true but what do I know.

Anyways, just nuggets of nothing for you to enjoy.

How did they lose it?
Forgot where they parked it?

IMAGE is not a geostationary satellite. Here’s the report from NASA: https://image.gsfc.nasa.gov/publication/document/IMAGE_FRB_Final_Report.pdf

The first listed reason:

  1. It is likely IMAGE became unable to continue routine communications due to a Single
    Event Upset (SEU) induced ‘instant trip’ of the Solid State Power Controller (SSPC) supplying power to the Transponder. However, several other possible, but very unlikely, causes exist that cannot be completely eliminated. A recurrence of the anomaly is possible and cannot be prevented.

It blew a fuse? Impressive

Do you think it was a 50 amp fuse?


I guess NASA found out the hard way…you can’t always get what you want

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