Hello DMS:
We are looking for somebody that can help us with Stepper and Servo motors, we would like to connect them to our Staubli RX160 via a software we use called Flair. We would use the motors to trigger events via the software. We use the robot called Bolt with a high speed camera that shoots at 1000fps.
Here is a link to the robot:
We would really appreciate any help!
After reading the information, or more precisely the lack of information, on the site linked I am not sure we will be able to help you.
There is no technical information on that site for your device. So it doesn’t appear that they intend to allow their customers to use anything but their control software and systems. If you are only renting, then it is likely your contract does not allow you to do what you want.
Have you cpntacted them and asked about what you are trying to do?
Hi Walter:
Thanks for your quick response.
We just sent the link to show you what the robot does and what it it used for, it was not intended to share technical information. There are several companies around the world doing what we are trying to do, some use arduino, some make their own systems. We know it can be done because we’ve had somebody do it for us last year, unfortunately he retired and no longer can help us.
Our problem is that we are film makers and have no experience with stepper motors, servo motors and how to connect those to our system. The robot is control via software, the software connects to a proprietary box called a trigger box, motors are connected to this box and then “triggered” on command via the software. We have this working right now. We just need to build more.
We thought or makerspace because of the interest people have in robotics and electronics and thought maybe somebody would be interested in this kind of project, if you think this is not the right place for us. This could also turn into to a job on a per project basis, but we don’t know if this would break any rules at DMS which we certainly don’t want to do.
Ah, well if you have the needed information available and just want to expand an existing system I suggest you post a request for someone to help on our maker trade section of the forum.
That bolt system looks awesome! I’d be excited to see what could be accomplished with it
Thanks Walter, we’ll try that next.
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Thanks mreynolds,
It is an amazing machine we have here in our studios near downtown Dallas, you are weclome to come by and check it out any time.
I’d actually like to do that. Let me know where and when is best time to visit