Is anyone around that can help me with bubba? Every time I try to print it doesn’t stick. Even after preheating
Semi-random answer – is Bubba one of the ones that needs bed tape to ensure adhesion?
Bubba is the large format polyprinter. If it does need something special I don’t recall that. I thought it worked just like the standard
It almost seems like it’s not close enough to the bed when printing. But I didn’t change any settings in that regard
I don’t know one way or the other, as I don’t 3D print. I’ve just seen that as an answer for “why doesn’t my print stick” a couple of times.
The Polyprinters use blue-green PET tape on their beds. If the print is not sticking, it might be because of:
- PET tape missing
- PET tape damaged
- PET tape greasy from fingerprints
- wrong initial layer temp
- Z-axis height too high
- Left-right leveling issue
- bad GCode setting initial Z too high
The first two can be easily checked with a visual inspection.
The third can be solved by wiping the bed down with rubbing alcohol and a soft paper towel.
The fourth can be checked by verifying the temps in KISSslicer and reslicing if needed. It can also be monitored in the GUI interface while printing by looking at the target temps and the temperature graph.
The next two are mechanical and will require intervention by the 3D Fab trained personnel.
The last can be checked by carefully watching as the initi layer is laid down: the extruded filament should look squished - not round - on the bed. This could also be a z-axis hight issue, so that should be checked first.
I honestly think it’s that last issue. The nozzle seemed too far from the bed
I can look at z height in a few minutes