I need assistance with a small sewing project at Makerspace. Involves sewing together a few pieces of “mesh” fabric. Estimate 30min to an hour.
Am willing to compensate for your assistance.
Thanks in advance.
Paging @dryad2b
She might could help or suggest someone
I’m headed in the vague direction of the Space, but we’re detouring to do a bit of shopping. Let me get back to this when I get there.
Knit mesh fabric? Or something more along the line of fiberglas window screen mesh? (It might make a difference for needle and thread choices.)
Any chance you could attach a picture of the fabric? I could be up for this, but it’s always good to know what one is getting into.
Thanks all. I’ll attach a picture of the fabric I’m working with. And may touch base with Beth Appleton.
Appreciate the input.
Is it stiff like window screening?
Or floppy like mosquito netting?
Looks like a pretty normal fabric, then. It’s got selvages (the thicker part at the edge) and everything.
So – I could probably do this. I am up here a lot, afternoons and weekends. I’m teaching Friday night, and working until 2pm on Saturday…
Very floppy. Like mosquito netting.
Very good. Thank you Beth. I’m usually here on weekends. Will look for you.
Thanks again.