Help needed to fix iRobot Roomba

Hello everyone,

I have my Roomba which is not working the usual way! Is there anyone who can troubleshoot and let it running! I am willing to buy pizza! Please let me know if anyone can help me with this

Could you explain what is not working correctly?

While cleaning it’s not taking correct path and suction is also not as good as it used to be

A lot could be wrong with it. The first thing that comes to mind is that it’s dirty since the suction is down and a sensor might be covered with just enough dust to throw it off path. The next thing that comes to mind is that the voltage is low due to failing batteries. That could explain the suction issue though not necessarily the incorrect path. I have three old Roombas that I intend to gut for parts. All of them have bad batteries but as far as I know the internal parts are good. How old is yours?

6 years old

Their battery packs (at least for the one I have) are easily rebuildable with off the shelf cells.

OK, time to see this thing and give it a look. I don’t know of any diagnostics or self test that can be run. Will you be at the maker space anytime soon when you can bring it and we can at least see if there’s is anything obvious?

How about this weekend?? Please let me know when it will work for you?

My Roomba sucks…

What is it doing or not doing?

It does not suck enough.