Help me make things for $$

Hi Makers.
Been a member for 6 months and have made zero things as I’m busy getting a business off the ground. Was a member of Tyler’s Innovator’s Pipeline for several years and was signed off to use their laser machines/software, recording studio, CNC machines, etc. so have some idea of what I’m doing. Just haven’t made the time to go through courses and get signoffs for DMS equipment.

I would like to find a member or two to help me with various projects - and be fairly compensated for your time.

Current project: laser etching a few tumblers with company logo. I can get the logo into inkspace easy enough. just looking to be more efficient in getting a few basic things checked off to do list.
if you have laser machine sign offs and are familiar with setting things up and have time/interest, shoot me a DM. I have 8 tumblers I need done so less than an hour of machine time I would think.


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When did you plan to have this started? I’m sure someone would be willing, would just need to set up time slots.

soon would be great, but not real picky. I’ve had the tumblers for months now…

I’d love to help just not to sure how to engrave tumblers using the laser. From my knowledge we have a set up that you can hold the tumblers in while engraving. I’d give this a go.

Chances are someone has talked about this before. If you read through some of these laser topics that might jump start your project some.


The rotary tool requires training on the fusion.
Being signed off on the regular lasers does not grant you access to use the fusion, that is its own class.

That being said, it’s not difficult and there are likely some members that wouldn’t mind swinging by and helping for a couple hours.

One other thing to note is that depending on the size of the logo and the quality that you want the outcome to be, it can take a very long time per tumbler. When I was doing 500 DPI engravings on a powder coated tumbler, it took about 30 minutes each image (To be fair, these were pretty large images). If the logos are very line based, it may still take a very short amount of time but it may also take longer than you expect on the fusion.


There are two ways to rotary laser engrave … Thunder or Fusion. AFAIK, most people use Fusion but like @jsnowfreedman says, that requires additional training if you want to do it yourself.

If someone is going to help you do it on Fusion, then I suggest you read this excerpt from the Fusion manual. It’s actually quite good, and it includes what you need to do to get your artwork ready. That way when you show up you are more likely to be ready.

Our Tools list also links to the instructions for Thunder’s rotary engraving attachment.


I may be incorrect/ maybe things change but I didn’t think that we were allowing use of the Thunder rotary anymore?
I thought there was an issue occuring on use of the old one we had, and their new machines rotary tools are not directly compatible with ours. Thunder talked about making/getting us an adapter at some point, but I don’t think it ever happened.



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