hi my name is justin,
got to work today found out our server has been hacked.
our info is now being held ransom unless we pay BTC to this random address.
the info has been encrypted and the promise is that they will unlock it after payment… our (former) computer/server maintenence company has said we should pay them the money… i disagree and think i can find someone local that can either:
A) decrypt our data and restore us.
B) from here forward maintain our servers.
C) thoroughly secure our data once recovered.
from what ive found online it seems very similar to this situation…
we are located in Haltom ctiy off 35.
please please help i dont want my family to pay these ahes
i want to pay good money to have things done right. please send me your details asap
682-553-2466 is my cell feel free to call/txt email me your company details and what we can do from here.
[email protected] is my personal email.
thanks again look forward to working with some of you hopefully!!