Help linking key FOB from existing account to new account

Hello, I was on a family plan that got cancelled, so I had to create a new account, but I already had a FOB set up with the old account. Can I link my fob to the new account online?
Thanks for your help!

Did you have any permissions earned on the old account? That’s an extra step.

However, you can certainly link the fob in your hand to your account. That’s the “Makermanager/Badges” tab under the Member Portal drop-down.

Hi! Thank you very much for your help, I got it linked.
I don’t think I had extra permissions, but I’m not sure. All the other training I did was for machines that don’t require rfids.

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You’re probably completely good to go, then.

Hey so sorry to thread jack. But I have permissions that need to be transferred. I had the exact same thing happen but I do have permissions (ie woodshop, grinders, …) That need to be transferred. How would I go about this? Thank youuuuuuu!

I’d send an email to accounts @ dallasmakerspace . org Infrastructure has to make the adjustments, but that email should reach the folks that do that.

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