Hatcher's Committee Area Being Blocked Unintentionally

Hi everyone,

Due to the placement of Machine Shop, Automotive and Hatcher’s Workshop it has become a bit of a problem blocking the door into the reloading area.


The reason this happens is because Automotive Committee is a “Clean Floor Area” to allow for cars to move in and out easily and Machine Shop used the areas behind their tools for storage. The effect of these two setups tend to unintentionally lead to the walk way and door to Hatcher’s committee area being blocked or obstructed. This isn’t a huge issue, I would just ask everyone to think twice before pushing things to this corner of our shop as they end up blocking access via the use of the other committee areas.

Thanks and hope everyone has a great day.


I’d like to add my two cents here. OK, my one cent worth. We also need to remember that if there is a fire or other emergency in the building, anyone in the reloading area needs at least a 28" aisle of egress to safely leave the area.


Chris is absolutely right!

Ops was going to place bright-yellow (à la caution sign) vinyl tape for designated walkways to avoid this kind of thing. It would signify the area between the two yellow lines is ONLY to be used as a walkway, and nothing should be placed inside it (not even temporarily - this is fire code).
I wonder if this now falls under Logistics… @AndrewLeCody, what do you think?

Yeah, I think this would be a logistics thing. I think taping out the walkway would be a great idea.

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Logistics knows a thing or two about floor tape…

Main issue is the tools that machine shop has positioned back there : the mini mill and chopsaw.