Hello, noob here, and I’d like to learn to make custom Halloween animatronics. I have NO idea where to start. I was told Arduino might be a good place to start, but I’m unsure. Is there anyone here that could point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
Arduinos are small, cheap microcontrollers that can easily read from sensors and control various actuators. @NickWebb has a great intro Arduino: Sensors for Fun and Non Profit class coming up Wednesday night which has open seats. Sign up for his class and do some google searches and what you want to control.
I have Arduino classses on the calendar as well.
Animatronics = robotics.
Check Events Calendar for DPRG mtngs - Dallas Personal Robotics Group.
Also there’s a group that does competitive/combat robotics.
And Science has an industrial robot there working on.
I’d recommend this book: ”Making Things Move” by Dustin Roberts. It covers lots of concepts and issues with developing animated things. Covers linkages, motors, control, etc. target audience is artists and others who might not necessarily be computer savvy.
Full-blown Arduino control may be overkill for many Halloween ideas. A car wiper motor and a power supply may be all you need for control. Add a motion sensor (from a motion controlled light) controlling the outlet to the power supply and it can trigger when someone walks by.
I’ve been playing with Arduinos and other similar microcontrollers for a couple months. Played around with a motor driver and a few LEDs this weekend for a beginner halloween project.
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Thats great! Now that you have our attention at least show us a parts list. The more details the better.
Parts list:
(1) Severed doll head with eyes/mouth drilled
(3) LEDs with resistors (I don’t remember Ohms)
(1) tin box (like Altoids, but this one was Fisherman’s Friend)
(1) Arduino Uno
(1) 9v battery (with barrel jack to Uno)
(1) L298N Motor Drive Dual H Bridge DC Stepper Controller Board Module
(1) DC Motor with an attached worm drive to reduce the spin speed (I could only PWM just so low before it refused to spin the motor – I’ll look for motor details – something I harvested out of a discarded consumer electronics device)
(1) Arduino Mega (just because it’s what I had handy)
(1) USB power bank (to Mega)
(1) 9v battery (to power motor via L298N)
(1) X-Large fountain drink cup (with lid) from QuikTrip
(1) bag of dry pinto beans (adding weight and rise to inside of cup)
LOTS of hot glue
Lots of 24 gauge wire
EDIT to add: The motor is labeled as RF-370C15370. Looks like I likely got it out of a CD/DVD player.
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I am pretty sure I could have done a better job at power supply without three separate sources. This is an area where I still need to learn/understand more.
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