Hackberry being cut down. lots of free wood

is there still wood left? sorry im late to the party

There will be quite a bit of it as a number of us are going to Pearce’s place on Sat morning to help him cut it up and collect it. I will be there myself around 10:30AM or so to help. Ryan is going to slab some of the wood and I’m hoping to get one of the slabs myself. There is a ton of wood though as it was a pretty big tree. I’d let Pearce know if you plan to come out to his place and get some of it. I believe Ryan was planning to take some to DMS, too. Pearce would appreciate anyone who wanted to help him get rid of it, especially to use for making things. I believe @jdemars plans to take some of it for fire wood, too.

I’ll have a truck bed load of wood available at the space early Sunday. TBD on what we’ll get cut, but there will be wood.

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there’s still a bunch on the curb to pick up that’s of reasonable size. they will be picking up anytime before Friday, so if you want easy to carry small stuff, I suggest coming out and picking up asap.

I have a small chainsaw so I can cut some of the smaller logs, but I can’t slab anything.

send a PM for an address

That is the kind of wood that is ideal for firewood, too @jdemars

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Can you send me an address (or text to 469-337-2357)

I have to do-ordinate with someone else about getting a truck before the weekend, but I am very interested.

8 Arizona Ashes on my street got killed by the freeze. The City Code Enforcer put violations on our doors this week to cut, clear or deem alive by an Arborist… 2 big trees have already been cut and ground to stumps, there are more to go. I have seen these crews cutting 30 inch slabs, and laying them on the sidewalk, someone is making some things.

If you are interested, message me, I’ll tell you where to go.

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I don’t need any of the large slabs, and there are several there. My interest here is more fireplace logs as I don’t do any kind of wood working much anymore.

if no one wants the large slabs of course, I don’t mind cutting them up, but they are really nice if you’re wanting to make a table or other such project.

I’d love some of the slabs but I don’t have space to dry wood for a few years.

I would love some if some of it is coming to DMS. I live on the complete opposite side of Dallas, so there’s no way I can make it to his house. Will you be at DMS still on Sunday afternoon? I get off at 3am, so there’s no way I can get there early in the morning. Slabs and/or sized for the lathe would work for me if there’s some available.

I can come up there a bit later, and I’ll likely stay till 3-4. I’ll post with whatever we get cut.


That’s fabulous! I’d like to look at some of it, but I am just Not A Morning Person.

same. they showed up at 730 with their chainsaws to remove this thing

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