This guy has a HAAS CNC Lathe w/ handles for sale:
A new, 5-axis 2014/2015 HAAS lathe with no hours of use on Craigslist?
Note it is posted in the Austin forum, but actual post indicates items appear to be located in Naperville, IL.
Also from post: “contact for pricing information all items being sold together”.
Yeah, I saw that. They’re a little out of my range.
I’m sure it’s not cheap but has anyone asked how much they wanted?
I have no idea and I didn’t ask, but just the Haas 5-axis starts at $155k from Haas…
Ahh pocket change, lol
Bid’s at $45k, last I checked.
That large format 3D printer would be pretty awesome to have, but instead of an enclosure we would need an entire room to keep the parts from warping.
I’m assuming that print head speed wouldn’t scale up with the 3d printer size, wouldn’t printing something 39x39x19 take an incredibly long time?
Several days I’m sure.
They’re printing concrete houses in 3 hours…
With a much lager extruder nozzle, and much thicker layer height.
That looks like the 3DP1000…
Dual heads… around $19000+
Print samples (including: files, settings, cost of materials, time to print, etc…)