Our filtered water recently faltered. We put out a call for service info and off we went. @skyspook knew where the new water filter was stored, @TBJK found the water cut-off valve, @SlackerEngineer did the honors of replacing the filter so folks on Saturday would have nice tasting water, and @Julie-Harris is ordering another filter for next time. This is a great example of how DMS works. Everyone pitches in to solve an issue. When you see something off and are not sure of the solution, just post it on talk and let’s get’er done as a team.
The red light tells us that the filter is all used up.
Where the water cut-off and filter are located
The white cylinder towards the right side middle is the filter that was replaced.
Replacing the sheet metal covers
Resetting the filter status.(Very small button)
Finishing up the project
Now we can all enjoy great tasting filtered water again. I know I do.