Since VCC operates the interactive computer museum. DMS is able to apply for the INSPIRE! Grants for Small Museums.
Grants for Small Museums is a special initiative of the Museums for America grant program. It is designed to reduce the burden on small museums and help them address priorities identified in their strategic plans. Applications may include projects that focus on learning experiences, community partnerships, collections stewardship, or expanding access to collections and resources. Award amounts can range from $5,000 to $50,000.
While we are discussions our strategic plan for the museum there is a hard press issue in that the current blueprints eliminates space for VCC and the museum. This would prevent DMS from access to upwards of $50,000 in Grant money.
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@Team_PR @Team_Finance @Team_VCC Do we want to see VCC take away the museum?
I assume the museum would have to be open to the public, have regular hours, staffed, etc. What are their requirements.
Linked in [ICM] Museum Grant Opportunities Open
Particularly Eligibility Criteria | Institute of Museum and Library Services
VCC Chair, Co-Chair and the volunteer team we’re starting to build from volunteermatch covers as staffed.
I think there will be some problems qualifying"
Note 2 would require someone dedicated to FT, (35+ hours/week I’m guessing. Does not need to be paid. But is a huge volunteer commitment.
DMS does not have as its primary purpose exhibitions.
BUT maybe can still qualify:
Not sure how they define autonomy. Go ahead and research it to find out more.
But another section comes into play:
All these can’t be met. Item 4 would require DMS to submit not VCC. But if otherwise qualified could be done.
But the kiss of death I think will be the these clauses referred to, not sure we would would do all of these:
Just this one simple one can require multiple langauges:
… the applicant must take reasonable steps to ensure that limited English proficient (LEP) persons have meaningful access to the applicant’s programs (see IMLS guidance at 68 Federal Register 17679, April 10, 2003));
“Reasonable” to a government bureaucrat is “Whatever it costs for however many different languages walk in.”
Not sure how the drug rules would apply to members since we don’t have employees but but we run the place so are members included?
I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole on all the other CFR’s and regulations cited. But they would have to be vetted before DMS could commit to anything. This is why personally eschew governemnt involvement. Once you take a penny they own you.
Any time you see an EEOC requirement you will be asked to provide all the breakdown demographics to prove we “can demonstrate we are in compliance” If it doesn’t match the mix of whatever is deemed the relevant demographic then we’ll be expected to correct that.
Nothing from the governemnt is free.
Thanks for the outline.
If the board is the one that needs to engage them then sure just let me be in on the loop since the interactive computer museum is under VCC. But this is the overall goal at this point to determine the 5W and ensure everyone is aligned in the process.
There’s a few points you brought up that I’ll follow up on to get further clarification from IMLS.